total crypto market cap
Crypto Market Ranked by 24 Hrs Trading Volume: A blog ranking crypto coins by market cap and trading volume.
Total Crypto Market Cap is a blog ranking crypto coins by market cap and trading volume. We provide the latest news on crypto currencies and real time market information.
You will find here:
– Market Cap of all crypto coins including BTC, ETH, XRP and more than 3000 altcoins
– Trading Volume of every coin
– Top 5 gainers and losers of the day
– Charts of Bitcoin & Altcoin prices
– Percentage change of every coin in the last 24 hours
You can also see these stats for any date or range of dates in history.
Crypto Market Cap analyzes the total volume of all crypto coins and provides a list of the ranked by 24 hrs trading volume.
We list cryptocurrencies by market cap, price, trading volume, popularity and more.
This website is intended to provide a clear summary of Bitcoin’s current and historical price as well as important updates from the industry.
The global crypto market cap is $135.65B, a 2.46% increase over the last day. Read more The total crypto market volume over the last 24 hours is $18.83B , which makes a 1.50% decrease. Read more The most active trading pair on Binance exchange is CKB/USDT (0.00%). Read more As of now, Bitcoin (BTC) is trading at $7,306.97 with BTC price 0.27% down today. The Bitcoin price prediction sentiment is currently neutral. Bitcoin reached its highest price on June 26, 2019, when it was trading at its all-time high of $ 13,879. It has a circulating supply of 18M BTC with a total supply of 21M BTC. The best exchange for trading Bitcoin is Binance. Read more Ethereum (ETH) is currently trading at $147 with ETH price 3.79% up today Ethereum reached its highest price on January 13, 2018, when it was trading at its all-time high of $ 1,417 It has a circulating supply of 110M ETH with a total supply of 110M ETH . The best exchange for trading Ethereum is Binance . Read more XRP (XRP) is currently trading at $0
The crypto market is worth $0.00
The total 24h volume of all crypto currencies is $0.00
The top ten crypto currencies represent $0.00 of the total market
The Total Crypto Market Cap (CMC) is a useful metric to know and understand. It’s not a perfect measure, but it can give you a basic idea of the size of the crypto market as a whole. If you want to look at how big bitcoin is in comparison to other cryptocurrencies, then this is the metric for you.
It’s calculated by taking the total number of coins that are circulating in the market and multiplying them by their price. This gives us an idea of how much money has been invested into each crypto coin. The result is then divided by 100 to get the total crypto market cap.
The total crypto market cap can be a helpful tool for investors because it allows them to compare the relative sizes of different cryptos without having to do any math themselves. For example, if we wanted to know what percentage of all bitcoins had been mined so far (and thus how many more there were left), we could just multiply their current market price by their current supply and then divide by 100.
This would give us an estimate for how many bitcoins have been mined so far; however, this wouldn’t tell us anything about how many more there were left to mine or what percentage they represent out of all bitcoins currently in existence. Using this method may
total crypto market cap
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