Easy Crypto: Quick Cryptocurrency updates for those who don’t want to read about the technical details.
Easy Cryto is a news blog. It is written by a person who understands technical details, but who is bored with them and wants to explain things in plain English. We should be able to understand all the important points without having to wade through a lot of jargon and footnotes.
Cryptocurrencies are an exciting new technology that could change the world. But they are also really complicated, and it’s hard to know what’s important and what isn’t. Easy Cryto will tell you what’s important.
Many people are interested in tracking the price of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, but they don’t want to read pages of technical details, or subscribe to a complicated service. Easy Cryto is a place to come and get quick updates on the prices of cryptocurrencies and how they’re doing.
Cryptocurrency markets are notoriously volatile, so if you’re not willing to read up on each coin and its technology, Easy Cryto is the app for you. Easy Cryto gives you the skinny on price updates, market capitalization, and other details.
Here are some features:
– Coin ticker updates every minute
– Market capitalization history
– Historical prices (daily)
– Coin descriptions
– Coin logos
This website is for those who are interested in the technical details of crytocurrency.
It should be of interest to anyone who wants to understand how crytocurrencies work.
Here, you’ll find various technical essays and papers as well as articles, reviews, and interviews all pertaining to Crytocurrency.
A Cryptocurrency is a form of digital currency that is traded online, with the most popular being Bitcoin. This form of currency has not only been growing in popularity amongst individuals, but major businesses and organizations are starting to see the benefits from these digital coins.
The main purpose of this blog is to provide updates on current events regarding Cryptocurrency, without the technical jargon that you would find on other blogs. This is for the casual reader that may be interested in what is happening in this new and constantly changing market. Whether you are looking to invest or just want to stay up-to-date on what is happening in the world of cryptocurrency, this is the blog for you!
Cryptocurrency news aggregator. Updates once every hour.
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