There is a new way to invest in cryptocurrencies—high-yield investment programs. You get profits from the fluctuations of the market, without the risks of losing money.
There are two types of high-yield investment programs:
1. HYIPs (High Yield Investment Programs), which are illegal and often fraudulent and should be avoided.
2. HYIPs with a “payout” option, which pay back more than you invested, but only if you meet specified trading volume requirements. This means that you can earn money even if the program gets shut down or changes its terms of operation, as long as you meet the new requirements.
You might think that a simple “crypto” investment is just an alternative to other investments, like stocks or bonds. But there are two main differences between crypto and other investments that make crypto a better option for many people.
1. These days, interest rates on savings accounts are effectively zero, so you’re losing money if your money is sitting in a bank account earning 0%. There are still opportunities to invest in interest-bearing instruments – but they’re not as safe and predictable as crypto.
2. Bitcoins aren’t the only way to invest in crypto. You can also buy altcoins (alternative coins) like Ethereum or Litecoin. They’re not as well known or liquid as bitcoin or Ethereum, but if you have any technical skill at all, I recommend looking into them. The value of these currencies fluctuates just like bitcoin does, but with less volatility than bitcoin itself. It’s much safer to invest in an altcoin instead of bitcoin directly.*
Cumrocket is a new kind of investment fund. Instead of investing in companies, investors buy tokens that represent shares in the fund. These tokens are not just tradable on the stock exchange; they are also redeemable for shares in the fund itself.
In this way, the value of your investment does not depend on the performance of any company but is tied directly to the success of the fund’s investments. This makes cumrocket a type of investment fund rather than a tradable security. That means it’s more liquid, and that its shares trade at a premium over their value in cash or other assets.
The fund is designed to make money by putting some of its investments into high-yield opportunities that others have missed — like smaller companies with promising technologies that have had trouble getting funding from venture capitalists. Investors can earn a good return without taking all of the risk themselves, because cumrocket can invest lots of capital and rebalance its portfolio as needed to maximize returns.
But for high-risk investments like this one, it pays to ask whether this is really what you want to do with your money. The main reason we’re doing it is not just because we think it makes sense but also because we think our research shows it will be successful: we
One of the most interesting things about the cryptocurrency revolution is that it has shown how much of our economy we can leave behind.
Bitcoin has been criticized for being a tool for criminals, tax evasion, and other nefarious ends. But the reality is that bitcoin was designed to be anonymous and untraceable. It’s a highly efficient way for people to store money in a way that’s easily transferable between jurisdictions. And if you believe bitcoin will become the dominant medium of exchange, you might as well use it to store value as well.
One reason to think it will become dominant is that other currencies are already getting there, through back-door methods like centralized exchanges run by criminals and tax havens like Panama and Switzerland. That’s why an increasing number of governments are trying to ban the use of cryptocurrencies.
But on the other hand, because bitcoin is decentralized and not controlled by any single authority, it can’t be stopped that easily. No more than the Internet itself can be stopped. It’s like an economic black hole: money goes in but no one can get it out again once it gets inside (unless someone else sends them some).
Crypto currencies, which are similar to the internet in function, but different in form, are a bit like real estate: you can look at data on their price and volume and see the potential for growth and how it will affect their value.
Crypto currency works using the same principles as precious metals: gold, silver and platinum. They are limited in supply; they are harder to make than digital money; they have been used as money for thousands of years; they pay no income tax. In other respects they are unlike gold or silver: they can be created by anyone with a computer, without government supervision or regulation; they aren’t useful for making things; there is no assurance that the amount of a crypto currency will increase slowly over time.
The obvious answer to the question of how we learn to make rockets is “practice, practice, practice.” That’s what rocket scientists do. And no doubt they’re right: you need to spend a lot of time making the mistakes that will tell you where the good ones are. But what if there were a shortcut?
It turns out that there is. A few years ago, someone invented a new kind of cryptocurrency called Bitcoin. It is called a cryptocurrency because it has qualities like money: it can be sent from one person to another; it can be used as a medium of exchange; and it can be stored electronically. But unlike real money, bitcoins aren’t printed by governments or banks. Instead, they are made by computers all around the world that solve complex mathematical problems. The number of bitcoins in existence grows over time based on how many problems those computers solve and how well those problems are designed.
The value of bitcoins isn’t fixed like dollars or euros or yen. Instead, its value rises or falls based on what people think other people will pay for them in the future. As more people start using bitcoin and as more users learn about bitcoin’s advantages, the price increases and eventually reaches a plateau–about twenty-five dollars per bitcoin in mid-2013–
In a sense, Bitcoin is money. But it’s not the same money as what we usually think of as money. You can’t use it to buy anything. It’s not legal tender, or even a medium of exchange. It’s not backed by anything except the word of people on the internet who break promises all the time. But if you had to choose between using it and having nothing, what would you do?
If you have Bitcoin, you have an asset that is guaranteed to go up in value. If you have an asset that is guaranteed to go up in value, why wouldn’t you keep it?