I am not a cryptographer. I am an engineer, and I know how to build things, which means that I know how to invent things. For example, in the 1990s I invented a thing called the PGP encryption system, which is now on most of the e-mails you send. Often other engineers have built such systems for me as well.
It is risky to invent these things, since if they don’t work, we have wasted our time and money and it can be embarrassing for everyone involved. And if we get sued by some big corporation or terrorist organization for building something that makes their job too easy or costs them money, the result can be disastrous.
Our Solutions are designed to help make your company more efficient. After all, it’s hard enough to keep up without having to invent new ways of doing things when there are already lots of wonderful tools out there that meet your needs. We hope they will make your life easier in many ways; we hope they will not become obsolete; we hope you will like them; and we hope they won’t get sued out of existence by some overzealous lawyer or terrorist group leader who wants to make it too hard for you to communicate with the outside world.*
I just happen to think that my
Most of our solutions are designed to help your company be more efficient, which is usually a good thing. Some of them, it turns out (especially the ones involving moving money around) also help you make money. So businesses that want to make money ought to take a look at how we do things.
In recent years we have seen a great number of new solutions from which companies can make money by paying us for our solutions. Mostly these solutions involve moving money around: taking credit cards at the checkout counter, sending money electronically, clearing checks electronically, and so on. We call this “transaction processing.”
The best-known way of making money by using a computer is to sell software—which is what most people think we do. But although we have been doing that for decades, it’s not the only way. You can use computers in many other ways to make money: tracking donations, mailing out catalogs, answering customer support calls or emails, managing inventory, and so on.
Many modern problems can be solved by combining two or more existing technologies, but there is no guarantee that they will. And if they don’t, you might as well have made your own solution in the first place.
There are currently two main ways we know how to combine technologies. One is to take a technology that already exists and make it work better by adding a new element. The other is to invent something new.
The first approach involves a big risk because the new element might not work for some reason; the second involves a smaller risk because you can try many different elements before you find one that works. It’s usually hard to tell which strategy will succeed until it has been tried, so it’s hard to say which will be better than the other. It depends on the kind of problem you’re trying to solve and on the nature of your customers.
Our Solutions are designed to make it easier for our clients to take advantage of these two strategies than would be possible if they tried things out by themselves. If a company is trying to invent something new, our goal is to reduce its risk as much as possible by helping it understand what options it has and what time-to-market pressures it faces, and then suggesting ways of using existing technologies to reduce those
We are a professional services firm committed to helping our clients realize their goals. Our solutions are tailored to your situation, and we’ll explain them in detail before the engagement begins.
Our clients are leaders of companies in a wide range of industries, who have different needs and different ways of doing things. Some want us to help them become more efficient. Others want us to help them innovate better or control risk better or reach new markets better. We support all of these goals, and we work closely with you throughout the process so that you know exactly what you are getting from us, and how it will benefit you.
At the beginning of each engagement, we’ll carefully explain the scope of our work, the steps we will take, and why. We’ll also show you the results of our work so far, so that you can see exactly how much value we’re delivering for you. We’ll be transparent about fees on both ends as well.
In general, the more open information you have about your company, the better it will be. When we look at companies, we like to see their balance sheet and cash flow statement in a spreadsheet. We try to figure out how much money they spend on salaries and benefits, and how much they make. We ask them to break out their top-line revenue and bottom-line profit by product line or division or geographies.
We can use all this information to ask questions. What is the cost of doing business in Brazil? Are there ways to improve your customer service that don’t cost money? How much does it cost per customer per month? What is the return on investment for each customer? And so on.
But there is an alternative way to look at these questions: what could be done differently (including new product development) that would give you an extra $100K or $250K per quarter? It’s a little harder than “will you double revenues?” But it’s not impossible, either: if you know that a change would yield $100K or more, you can do it without disrupting your current business model.
Many of the things we do for you depend on the sort of person you are.
For example, you should know that if your family is in a position to benefit from the work of your company, they are almost certain to want to do so. So if they can make money by acting in ways that hurt your business, they will probably try. For example, they may propose that you increase the size of your investment or buy more shares than you need. They will also try to destroy your reputation among your peers. They may even sabotage your relationship with suppliers and customers. If being at odds with their family doesn’t work, they might even try to get you fired by some other organization where you have a job.
A crypto-currency is a form of money that only exists in the realm of cyberspace. It’s different from a traditional currency because the value is not tied to any real object or physical thing.
If you have a crypto-currency it’s like having your own portable ATM – if you have Bitcoins they give you cash, while with Ethereum they give you Ether, which can be used to pay for services on the Ethereum network.
The most popular crypto-currency is Bitcoin. But there are many other ones that work in a similar way, including Litecoin and Ethereum.