What is the best cloud storage service for business owners? There are many options to choose from, yet most business owners don’t know what they’re looking for.
To find the answer, we started out with a list of popular cloud storage services. We then narrowed it down to the best four (LeaseWeb, iCloud, Dokku and Drive) and compared their features and prices to get a better idea of where most businesses that need these services would be able to make an informed decision.
Most people don’t do enough research online to find the best cloud storage for their business. That’s a shame because the cloud is a great way to store data, and with so many options it can be confusing to figure out which one to use.
I wrote this blog post in hopes that it might help you decide what type of storage is best for your business. I’ve tried to choose a model that suits all types of businesses, from startups to established companies.
In this article I’ll talk about syncing files across multiple computers; then, in the next post I’ll go over network-attached storage (NAS) and cloud storage.
The two most popular cloud storage providers are Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage, but there are several other good choices.
Amazon S3 is a good option if your business doesn’t have a lot of data, or if you simply want to store files for quick retrieval. Amazon doesn’t offer as many features as some of the other providers, but its services are easy to configure and use and it’s still the best-known brand in the space.
The difference between a good security solution and a bad one, whether for your home or for your business, is pretty clear. And if you’re looking for a good cloud storage service, the differences are similarly apparent.
But there are some things that are not so easy to tell apart by looking at the product offering. You might think that having strong encryption and a no-questions-asked privacy policy would make you feel safer. But that’s not necessarily so–it depends on what you’re storing.
For example, let’s say you’ve got a bunch of documents that are too sensitive to leave sitting around in your office. What would be the worst thing that could happen if someone got their hands on them? That they could get blackmailed using the material somehow? It’s possible, but not likely. If you use encryption properly, the information can only be read when it is decrypted. So if an employee with access to your system were tempted to copy out a few documents with sensitive information, he would have to be doing something else at the same time–making phone calls or something else–to listen to the decrypted data while it was being copied out.
If you’re using cloud storage services like Dropbox or Google Drive, your documents are encrypted
Ever since the dawn of computing, there have been attempts to design a perfect storage system. No one has succeeded. The reason is that storage is expensive, and when you spend a lot of money it pays to be careful. That’s why cloud storage is still relatively cheap: you don’t get much for your money, but the companies that make it are prepared to take some risks.
The biggest risk in cloud storage is that if the users don’t like your service, they will stop using it and pay more for something else. If you have any doubts about whether your customers will like your product, it’s a good idea to set up a blog and start writing about it.
A lot of the time when people talk about encryption in the context of the cloud, they’re talking about data at rest. In other words, they’re talking about what happens to data that’s already in a data center somewhere: on a hard drive, on a network server, or on a big stack of magnetic tape.
The kind of encryption I’m talking about is different: it protects data in motion. After you send an e-mail message to someone and it’s encrypted, the only way for the recipient to read it is to have your private key; and if you don’t keep that key with you all the time, then there’s no way for them to get it unless you want them to.
This is particularly important for cloud apps that store your stuff anywhere else–for example, Twitter messages or Facebook posts. It’s not just about sending messages; it’s also about reading them later. The same goes for e-mails written using Gmail or Yahoo! Mail; those are encrypted by default but unencrypted attachments are readable even by Google and Yahoo!. (Google and Yahoo! have responded by giving users more control over this.) And although it doesn’t matter much if someone reads your personal e-mails while you’re traveling abroad–it’s still better
Cloud storage is a way of storing files that you don’t need in your own computer. You store the files in a virtual place, and access them from anywhere, using your browser or a program on another computer.
There are many forms of cloud storage: file sharing, backup, and social media. Each has its pros and cons; it depends on what you want to do with your data. But the one I find most useful is backup – I use it to back up my files on my computer before I give them away to other people.
The way I use it is this: every week or two, I copy about 100 small files into a folder that lives in the cloud. These are my most important files, not because they’re large but because they’re small enough that if I lose them everything else is irreparable. They include all my programs and documents, plus some music and movies for which I have legally purchased licenses. The rest of the time I keep everything on my hard drive – but there’s always room for those 100 very important files, if something happens to my computer.