This is a blog about the ups and downs of a crypto currency tracker. I started this blog in August 2014. I have been writing since then. The blog has grown into an alternative currency information source, which provides its readers with a comprehensive overview on the most important blockchain projects and their state.
The analysis is based on technical, fundamental and historical data, as well as on my own experience with cryptocurrencies over the last five years. It represents my personal point of view on these topics, which may differ from your own.
I focus on market capitalization (market cap), price per token, token supply and market cap per token for each crypto project. As of today, I am tracking more than 50 cryptocurrencies/tokens in total, with more than 5 million total tokens traded across different exchanges over the past 24 hours.
I use my own system to create the statistics of my Crypto Currency Tracker. The process starts with analyzing the most popular crypto coins in my database – Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP) and Litecoin (LTC). Based on volume and popularity of those digital assets in my database, I divide them into three different categories – “money”, “business” and “gambling”. Each category gets its own color depending
Since we’re talking about trading, let’s start with the most common question: Should I use a cryptocurrency tracker?
I’m not sure that I’ve ever met a person who says “no” to this question. To some people, it’s the most important factor in choosing a crypto currency.
But I’ve also met people who think there is no point in using a cryptocurrency tracker because the price has already gone up, even though they bought at a lower price. And I’m sure I’ve met people who have used their trackers and been surprised by how much the price has fallen when they checked back later.
A crypto tracker is a website that keeps track of the price of cryptocurrency. What cryptocurrency? That depends on what you mean by “cryptocurrency.” For example, if you mean Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, or Monero (which are the most popular), then this blog is about those.
Crypto trackers exist for many crypto currencies, not just Bitcoin and Ethereum. They are widely used by crypto traders. The most popular crypto tracking site is Coinmarketcap . The latest version of coinmarketcap has more than 5 billion data points; it’s an incredible resource. It gives an overview of what’s going on in the crypto world, provides data on all the important exchanges, and lists all the major cryptocurrencies. It also provides lots of historical data and tools to help you track your favorite currency over time.
But not everyone sees a need for a crypto tracker; some people think that only people who trade in crypto currencies need to know its price movements. Other types of traders have their own way of tracking price movements; they might keep tabs on news stories or new crypto currencies or analyze the trading patterns of their favorite stock brokers.
This blog is aimed at people who want to do sophisticated analysis but don’t know where to start; they want to
The biggest benefit of using a cryptocurrency tracker is that it will make it easier for you to track your investments. This is important because many investors are confused about where to put their money. They don’t know what to invest in. They don’t know how to pick the best coins. And they don’t know how to keep track of all their investments.
As a result, they often lose money because they buy one coin and then spend most of their time looking at the market instead of focusing on the purchase.
But if you are using a cryptocurrency tracker, you can do all these things without effort or confusion. You can keep track of every coin you own. You can look up the market cap and price so you can see which coins have the largest potential gain. And you can easily see how much profit each coin is bringing you per day, week, month, or year.
The market cap of a cryptocurrency is the total value of all coins in circulation. It’s important to track it, because if you want to know how much money a cryptocurrency is going to make you need to know how many coins there are in circulation.
A crypto currency tracker makes it easy to find out the current market cap and other useful information, like price trends, transaction volume, current exchange rates and other key statistics. You can tell which coins or tokens are leading or losing their positions on the market.(
(Please note: This is a paid review.)
What is this project? Well, it was never meant to be one thing. It started out as a blog. A blog which has the sole purpose of tracking the ups and downs of the many different cryptocurrencies on the market. What was it supposed to track? Well, that’s a good question. It was never designed to track anything specific, so inevitably it has evolved into whatever has caught my interest at any given time. The markets are ever-changing and as such there are some trends we’re tracking through the blog. We will of course continue to update this blog with a full list of hot topics for those that want to track them, or just check back to see what’s currently trending.
At first there were just a few posts per week, but since then things have begun to pick up, with more and more posts coming out every single day. As I’ve said, this has been an evolving project; you can find some old posts here and here if you’re interested in more historical context. We’ve also been known to add new posts whenever we feel like it; if you’re looking for something specific you might have better luck catching us when we’re in the mood than waiting for an update from us
Markets are basically a series of offers and demands. If a lot of people are willing to buy, the price will go up. If not, it will go down.
This is how markets work for most goods and services: that makes them useful for trade. But Bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general are different. For one thing, they are hard to use as a currency; you can’t pay in Bitcoin, you can only get some other kind of money back in Bitcoin. For another thing, the supply is fixed: the total number of Bitcoins that will ever exist is 21 million.
But even if you accept those two problems, there’s still something weird about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency generally. In the normal way of markets, if the price falls too far, some buyers stop buying and some sellers stop selling. In a cryptocurrency market, that doesn’t happen; there aren’t enough sellers to keep up with the demand from buyers. The result is that no matter what happens in the price of Bitcoin, it keeps on rising all the time.*
The phrase “market cap” is itself interesting: it means “the value of all bitcoins multiplied by their current price” – but we often forget to multiply by current price! That’s because almost all cryptocurrencies have never been traded on