This blog is about a simple hypothesis: What if everything else is a game and cryptocurrency is life?
Cryptocurrency has been here for 10 years now, yet it has been misunderstood by the mainstream media and consumers. Some say it’s a bubble, some say it’s the future of finance. My goal of this blog is to make people understand what cryptocurrency really is.
If you are reading this article, I assume that you know cryptocurrency very well. However, I am going to start with a simple definition of cryptocurrency. A cryptocurrency is an asset that can be transferred between people or accounts through the Internet. It uses cryptography to secure its transactions, to control the creation of additional units, and to verify the transfer of assets. Cryptocurrency operates on blockchain technology which is a digital ledger that records every transaction in a secure way in chronological order so that they cannot be altered retroactively. The blockchain network consists of multiple nodes (computers) where each node has a copy of the blockchain and can work independently from other nodes. Unlike physical currency, cryptocurrencies do not have any central authority or government body controlling them. But how does all this work?
If Alice wants to send Bob 1 bitcoin (BTC), she will sign her transaction using her private key which proves that she
I think there is one other thing we can do to make the game more fun and that is to make it more permeable.
What I mean by permeable is allowing players to take their in-game assets into other games. What if all your in-game items could be sold on a decentralized exchange and used in another game. What if you could own your assets, not the developer? What if we built a platform for games and wrapped all the assets in a cryptocurrency? What if you could earn crypto from fans who want to use your abilities or join your guild in another game?
What if everything else is a game and cryptocurrency is life?
In the world we live in, everything is a game. Everything we do is to be able to buy/have something else, If you work as a doctor, you are trying to have a good life. If you work at Apple, you are trying to make good products and help people. If you are an actor, you want to become famous and have money. If you are an athlete, you want to win some trophies and be recognized by everyone.
Everything we do is because we want something else, but it doesn’t have to be like this: What if everything we do is a game and the cryptocurrency is life? Would it change your perspective on what matters?
I’ve been thinking about this for a while now and I’ve decided that I will try my best to reach financial freedom so I can live in an agorist way. This means not being dependent on the state/government for anything – food/water/education/healthcare/shelter etc. Most importantly though, I’m curious how it might feel not having any strings attached from anyone – no bank loans, no debt with friends or family members etc.
Could this be the future of finance? That’s what I’d like to explore in the coming months (years) through
We’re going to be introducing some concepts that will change the way you think of assets. We’ll be talking about the future, and why we believe cryptocurrency is the future of finance.
We’ll do this by explaining how cryptocurrency fits in the “game theory” of our current world, and where it will take us in the future.
We will not talk about blockchain technology or detailed technical aspects of cryptocurrency, but rather what it means for society and business. Please feel free to comment if you want to see more technical discussions in the future!
Humans are hardwired for games. Games allow humans to learn and innovate at a faster pace than real life. In fact, every activity we do can be looked at from the lens of a game. The reason why we are so good at playing games is because they were invented by us.
Inventing new games teaches us more about ourselves than anything else. Psychologically speaking, we play games to learn more about ourselves, the world and its people around us. We can’t play what we don’t understand.
The reason why I am writing this article is because I believe that cryptocurrency – Bitcoin, Ethereum and more – is a new kind of game with new rules and a new purpose as well as an entirely different mindset of how value is created, stored and exchanged in this new world of ours. This game has been built on top of our existing reality, yet it is entirely separate from it.
You see, one of the biggest problems with our current reality is that all kinds of interesting innovations only matter if they get adopted by real people in the real world. Unfortunately, in the real world adoption takes time and there are all kinds of barriers which prevent people from adopting these innovations: politics, big companies/corporations, fear of change etc.
Crypto is a game that takes place in the real world and changes it. You can make money by playing the game well.
The game is built around a scarce token, similar to how many games like Magic: The Gathering are built around a scarce set of cards. Even if you know nothing about cryptocurrency, you’ve played this kind of game before. This is good news, because when you enter a new field that has an established vocabulary, it’s difficult to understand what people are talking about. But when you enter a new field that has its own game, it’s easy to understand what people are talking about—they’re playing the game!
So let’s talk about the game first, and then the cryptocurrency part at the end
The concept of a cryptocurrency is quite unique. It has no physical form, but can be sent and received over the internet. Cryptocurrencies are also part of a public ledger, which means that all transactions are recorded on the blockchain, which is publicly available to anyone with an internet connection. This system of public recordkeeping makes cryptocurrencies secure.
One of the most significant benefits of cryptocurrency is that it exists online and can be sent or received by anyone on the internet. Since there is no central authority controlling this currency, it is not bound by any one country. As long as you have access to the internet and a computer, you can send and receive cryptocurrency.
Another benefit of cryptocurrency is that it offers something called “transparency”. Because all transactions are recorded on the blockchain and publicly available to anyone with an internet connection, any person can see that their money was transferred from one wallet to another. All wallets contain a public key (also known as an address) and a private key, which are used for encrypting messages between wallets. A transaction’s recipient will then use their private key to decrypt the message and verify its contents before transferring money from one wallet to another.
Transactions in cryptocurrencies are conducted using smart contracts, which are self-executing programs that enforce